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Publications in scientific journals

Malakauskas, Mindaugas; Novoslavskij, Aleksandr; Jurgita, Aksomaitienė; Dainius, Uljanovas; Neringa Kašėtienė; Beatričė Kasparavičienė. Bakterijų atsparumas antimikrobinėms medžiagoms paukštininkystėje – iššūkis, sprendžiamas ir mokslinių tyrimų pagalba // Ūkininko patarėjas. Kaunas : UAB „Ūkininko patarėjas“. ISSN 1392-2769, 2024, nr. 13(4600), p. 13-13.

Kuźmińska-Bajor M., Kuczkowski M., Śliwka P: Phage-based application in poultry. Hodowca drobiu (Poultry farmer) 2/2023, XXVIII, nr 308

Oral presentations

Kasparaviciene, Beatrice, Jurgita Aksomaitiene, Neringa Kasetiene, Mindaugas Malakauskas, Aleksandr Novoslavskij: ESBL-Producing Escherichia coli in Poultry Farm: Effect of Vaccination on Bacteria Prevalence. 18th International Scientific Conference "The Vital Nature Sign", 16th and 17 th of May 2024.

Kuźmińska-Bajor M. Kuczkowski M., Milcarz A., Śliwińska E., Korczyński M., Adamczyk K., Trojanowska M., Mamczur A., Kruszyński T.: Reducing drug-resistant Escherichia coli in broiler chicken flocks. Poultry conference „Prevention and immunoprophylaxis in poultry flocks – present and future”, 4-5 July 2024 Wrocław, Poland.

Basak, Subhasish ; Sarnino, Nunzio; Collineau, Lucie; Merle, Roswitha: Quantitative assessment of ESBL-producing E. coli contamination, transmission dynamics, and evolution in broiler farms in the presence of on-farm intervention measures. ModStatSAP. Paris, France, 16th May 2024

Kuźmińska-Bajor M., Korzeniowski P., Kuczkowski M, Milcarz P, Śliwka P: Phages against bacterial pathogens in meat production. XIXth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products with z XXVth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 7-9 September, 2023, Kraków, Poland

Kuźmińska-Bajor M., Kuczkowski M., Mariusz Korczyński M., Milcarz A., Śliwka P. Interventions to the control of drug-resistant Escherichia coli in broiler chicken farms. XXXIII Symposium Polish Branch of World Poutry Association WPSA, 20-22 September, Wrocław, Poland

v. Kiparski, Julia; Sarnino, Nunzio; Merle, Roswitha:A systematic review on the occurrence of antimicrobial resistences in broiler production. Annual Meeting of the German Veterinary Association, Leipzig, Germany, 3rd - 5th of September 2023.

Kuźmińska-Bajor M., Kuczkowski M., Śliwka P., Korzeniowski P., Wieliczko A.: Phage-based preparations combating Salmonella and avian pathogenic Escherichia coli. Poultry conference „Current problems in poultry pathology with particular emphasis on the possibility of preventing the spread of infectious diseases”, 30 June - 1 July 2022 Wrocław, Poland

Vargas D., Friese A., Merle R., Rösler U., Robé C. Vaccination assessment of broiler flocks to control the development and spread of resistant E. coli from poultry into the environment. ISAH & SEAOHUN International Conference 2024 One Health in Action – Innovations in Health, Welfare and Environment for a Sustainable Animal Production. 16-20 September 2024, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Vargas D., Friese A., Merle R., Rösler U., Robé C. Vaccination assessment of broiler flocks to control the development and spread of resistant E. coli from poultry into the environment. 13th PhD and Doctoral Symposium. 10th of October 2024. Berlin, Germany.


Sarnino, Nunzio; Friese, Anika; Kabelitz, Tina; Collineau, Lucie; Malakauskas, Mindaugas; Kuźmińska-Bajor, Marta; Mansour, Wejdene; Merle, Roswitha : ENVIRE: Interventions to control the dynamics of antimicrobial resistance from chickens through the environment. SVEPM 2023, Toulouse, France, 22nd to 24th March 2023.

Sarnino, Nunzio; Collineau, Lucie; Merle, Roswitha: Quantification of extended spectrum beta-lactamases producing Escherichi coli in broilers manure. ECVPH 2023, Berlin, Germany, 20th to 22th September 2023.

Atanasova, Aleksandra; Kabelitz, Tina: Assessment of treatments to reduce the amount of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in chicken manure. RoKoCon 2023, Berlin, Germany, 18th to 19th October 2023.